AIOU Enrollment Result 2023 CMS Login Portal

AIOU Enrollment Result 2023 is now available to check online. You can get access to the result on the website of The fresh students are being accepted by you for 2023. The online registration for 2023 for many courses like matric, F.A., ADA, ADS, BS, MS, and M.Phil. are now accepted. To check the enrollment result log in This portal will provide you with all information about your academic year and all other aspects. The process of enrollment results is open for the students continuing their studies. If you are a student then you will receive an admission form by mail given on the mailing address. The enrollment process includes applications open to acceptance until 2023.

Enrollment AIOU Result 2023 Login Autumn and Spring

Sr.No Result Title Action
1. AIOU Result By Roll Number 2023 Check Online
2. Allama Iqbal Open University Result 2023 Card Check Online
3. LMS Portal Login ClickHere
4. CMS Portal Aiou Result Check Online
5. Autumn Enrollment Check Online
6. AIOU Edu Pk Result 2023 Check Online
7. SPR Enrollment Check Online
8. AIOU.Edu.Pk Login Login here

AIOU Enrollment for Continue Students

You can confirm if you are continuing student your registration on the official website of Allama Iqbal open university. An individual account for the admitted student is established by the Allama Iqbal open university. The students can check their profile by signing in to the account and visiting it. The profiles of the students change by Allama Iqbal open university when students are promoted to the next, pass examinations, and complete assignments. If you are a student at Allama Iqbal open university then can check all your academic progress through their AIOU student profile.

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How to Check Result?

The students can check their enrollment status by following the method,

  • Visit the AIOU result portal for enrollment.
  • Click the tile for academic records.
  • Report type that is related to your academic degree selection.
  • The system will display an error if the entered report field type is an incorrect value.
  • Click the submit button to submit your application.
  • Through this process, an entire result card will be created as a Pdf file within your browser

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The result was announced for the MA Urdu for the spring and autumn semesters by Allama Iqbal open university for 2023. Application for the courses of matriculation, intermediate, and undergraduate are now accepted by Allama Iqbal open university.

AIOU CMS Result 2023 Login

The online classes are started by Allama I Iqbal open university. For this purpose, the learning management system is established(LMS) by AIOU. You can view your LMS dashboard and your course at By login the AIOU AAGHI portal, you can sign up by logging in with the name and name of the user.

A feature is established by the name robust LMS for students that allows the students to submit their research thesis, assignments, and project-based- assignment, and allow them to attend workshops. Every student has their own password for their profile and most of the students forgot the password of the AIOU student profile password. Then these students become unable to participate in the education process of AIOU. These students must have to connect with the regional office of AIOU  or get a new ID as a new user and a new password for their ID.

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