We are providing you with information about Pakistan railway fare table and ticket price from Faisalabad to Karachi in this article. Many passengers trains run from Faisalabad to Karachi from different routes of Pakistan railway. The train fare of the different trains is different. Shalimar express, Rehman baba express, Karakorum Express, sir Syed Express, Shah Husain express, Pakistan express and night coach runs from Faisalabad to Karachi daily. The information about train fare of economy class seat, economy birth, AC class, AC standard, AC lower and AC sleeper fare is given below in the table.
Faisalabad to Karachi Train Fare
Train name | Economy seat | Economy birth | AC business | Standard AC | AC sleeper |
Karakorum express | 2700/- | 2800/- | 6150/- | 4500/- | |
Millat express | 2050/- | 2150/- | 5750/- | 4200/- | |
Shah Hussain express | 2700/- | 2800/- | 6150/- | 4500/- | 800/- |
Pakistan express | 2250/- | 2350/- | |||
Rehman baba express | 2250/- | 2350/- | 6900/- | 5700/- | |
Sir Syed express | 2700/- | 2800/- | 6150/- | 4500/- | 7300/- |
Pakistan Railway Ticket Price from Faisalabad to Karachi 2023
We have provided you all information about and ticket price fare of the trains running from Faisalabad to Karachi like Shalimar express, Rehman baba express, Karakorum express, sir Syed express, Shah Hussain express, Pakistan express and night coach Carefully. It is possible some human error. If you feel any mistake in given information please contact the near railway station or booking office.